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Where can I get a BIN 485932 virtual credit card to pay for Ads?

Basic information about the BIN 485932 virtual card

The BIN 485932 virtual card is a Visa card issued by a local bank in the US. The card type is Credit, Card Level: Corporate Purchases.

The BIN 485932 virtual card is applicable to the specifications: placing orders and purchases on e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, and Alibaba, and paying online marketing advertising fees such as Google Ads TikTok Ads, and Facebook Ads.

About the price

  • Card Issue Fee: $2.00
  • Topup Rate: 3.50%

Other fees:

  • Authorization Declined. Fee: $0.4 USD per declined authorization
  • Authorization amount less than $10 USD, Fee: $0.2 USD per authorization
  • Foreign Transaction Fee, For successful authorization with non-US merchant or non-US dollar currency, fee of 4% (minimum $1) of the authorized amount will be charged. The fee will be deducted from the balance of the virtual card preferentially

How to create a BIN 485932 virtual card?

If you work in e-commerce, online marketing, or use to subscribe to various SaaS tools, you can create your own BIN 485932 VCC through the ForonCard platform.

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